Just One Bucket Present: Halloween Beer Pong Tournament 2019

Just One Bucket Presents: Halloween Beer Pong Tournament on October 26, 2019 at the American Legion Post 59, 809 Zaragoza in Downtown Laredo, TX.  Doors will open at 6:00 PM for team registration, followed by game rules and team introduction.  Game match ups will be randomized.  The Tournament will be played as single elimination matches or adjust if needed.  Being that it is a Halloween Beer Pong Tournament, Costumes are highly encouraged.  There will be $100 prize for the best costume. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for Tournament winners.  Hope to see you there.


*This event of Beer Pong is not a drinking game.

*Participants must be 18 years of age or older to play and provide proof of ID.

*Just One Bucket nor any of our affiliates encourages drinking.

*If our participants and attendees decide to drink, we ask you to please drink responsibly.


Tournament Rules

The following rules are made to promote fairness to all players and minimize possible disputes between participants.


Tables: 8ft Beer Pong Tables

Balls: 38 mm Ping Pong Balls

Cups: 16 oz. cups


10 cups per team.


Starting formation is a triangle formation with all cup rims touching, triangle must be pointing towards the opposing side.

The 10-cup triangle must be centered on the table and the back of the rack must be in line with the back edge of the table.

Cups must not be tilted or leaned against the surrounding cups.

Water will be used in all cups. Cups shall be filled ⅓ – ½ with water.

These water cups are not for consumption, and no person shall be required or encouraged to drink as a result of any part of the game. The cups are to be reused every round.

Game Play

To determine who shoots first a cup game called moving on up will be played. Rules of this mini game are simple there are 10 red cups stacked and one blue cup at the bottom. The object of this mini game is to take one cup at a time from the top and place it at the bottom of the stack until the blue cup is back at the bottom.   The first team who gets the blue cup back to the bottom will shoot first.  The other team will choose their side of the table.

Each team will get two shots for per turn, one per teammate.

Shots will be taken behind the table edge. Refs will enforce each shot vialation.  If a Ref calls a shooting foul the shot will not count but the shooter may shoot again. If a second shot foul is called in the same turn by the same shooter the turn will end for the shooter. 

The ball can be tossed or bounced on the table with intent to get the ball in a cup.  At no point can a ball be blown, hit, swathed, or interrupted in the air.  The only time a ping pong ball can be grabbed is if the ball is bounced or it has already passed the table edge of the opposing side, the ball can be picked up.    

When a ball is made into a cup that cup will be removed from the triangle.  Alll other cups will remain in the same position.  If both teammates make thier shots in the same turn you will get balls back.  Balls back is good all game until the last cup is made.  

A re-rack is when Team A requests Team B to reshape the cup formation which Team A will shoot at or vise versa.  A team can request 2 re-racks per game.  Re-racks can only be requested before the team begins to shoot in their turn. This is the only time cup formation can be changed.

If a cup is tipped over even by accident on the teams own side that cup will be removed.  If a team tips over a cup of the opposing team by hitting the table even by accident the team will loose a cup of the opposing teams choice.

Tables shall not be touched with the intention to interrupt game play.

Distractions are allowed as long as it does not violate any venue/location, local, state, or federal rules or laws. 

Players may not cross the plane of play with any part of their bodies, clothing, or other objects, while the other team is shooting. To avoid violating this rule, just stand back a few feet from your cups.

Props are PERMITTED for distractions, at the discretion of the organizer. Props may not directly interfere with the flight of the ball or the shooter’s vision. For example, the prop or players shall not fan, blow, or otherwise intentionally create an air current surrounding the cups in play. Lighting devices may not be used to interfere with vision.

Players may not approach the opposing team members in an unsportsmanlike manner. This includes running alongside the table to talk trash in an opposing players face. In general, players should never be on the side of the table (picking up a ball is an exception). Players may not pass the quarter way point of the table after/in-between shots.

Players and spectators may not visually block cups from opposing players.

Spectators are permitted to aid in distractions, but may not be inside the playing area at any time. In addition, in the event that players are positioned close to the outer edges of a playing area, spectators are prohibited from unreasonably interfering with a player’s ability to shoot. Specifically, no spectator is allowed to scream directly into the ears of players at close range, or attempt to block a player’s view of the cups.

Violation of these rules will be penalized by removing a cup or possibly be removed from this event.

As soon as the ball is sunk in the last cup, the opposing team has the opportunity to tie up as long as there are two cups left to shoot at. If both balls are sunk the the game will run into over time, regardless of who shot first.


In overtime there will be one cup on each side and each team will get one shot for shot.  The team to have made the last cup first shoots first in overtime. If Team A shoots and makes it, Team B will get one shot to make it. If Team A shoots and misses, and Team B makes it, Team B wins, if Team A makes it and Teams B misses, Team A wins. If both teams miss they will go again.